Professional Negotiating

When and How Professionals Develop Their Walk-Away Positions
Successful negotiators don’t set their "walk-away" positions in advance. Instead, they determine them at the end of the negotiation, taking all available information into account and weighing their options carefully. This article explains why this best-practice approach leads to better outcomes, while rigid "pain thresholds" often result in poor decisions. Avoid common pitfalls and adopt the proven strategies of professional negotiators.

Opening a Negotiation in B2B - Poor Practice versus Best Practice
The “Never Open Rule” is designed to avoid a potentially disadvantageous negotiation position, especially when there is insufficient information about the other party’s stance.

B2B-Negotiations: No Room for the Harvard-Concept
The Harvard-Concept is not applied in B2B-Negotiations. Even though attorney Prof. Dr. Jörg Risse, LL.M., argues in his latest article that its application could be possible with the the assistance of a mediator, I will demonstrate why I do not believe the Harvard-Concept will play a role in the future of the B2B-World. Instead, I recommend the Driver-Seat-Concept - a true game-changer for your B2B-Negotiations.

The Harvard Concept - Compatible with the B2B-World?
Why is the Harvard-Concept not a viable option for the typical B2B negotiator, because it is often seen as somewhat out of touch with reality? In this detailed analysis, I will explain to you, the reasons and clarify the differences between the Harvard-World and the B2B-World.

Salary Negotiations: The Best Practices
Salary negotiations are of great importance. Therefore, it is important to first prepare them professionally and then conduct them professionally.

Negotiation Management: How the Four-Eyes Principle Protects Executives from Unrestricted Liability
In this article you will learn how the so-called four-eye principle fundamentally protects you as a managing director from unlimited liability. Since the ruling of the Higher Regional Court of Nuremberg on March 30, 2022, the obligations of the managing director of a GmbH with regard to the internal organization of the company have been significantly tightened. The role of the managing director in conducting negotiations is more diverse, as it seems at first glance.

How the Life Code Shapes the Course of Your B2B Negotiations
Through this post, I aim to recommend the book "Life Code" by Dr. Hans-Georg Häusel, published in August 2020, as essential reading for those involved in or responsible for conducting professional B2B negotiations.

How you can identify an expert negotiator with 3 key questions
In this article, I intend to reveal a simple technique involving three key questions that can help you discern whether the person you consider appointing as a negotiator, within your capacity as a decision-maker (e.g. a Senior Manager), is not just a professional, but potentially ranks among the elite in their field.

7 Pieces of Advice on How To Renegotiate Contracts
Renegotiations are initiated whenever a party to a contract realizes, after the agreement has been concluded, that changes in the real world (e.g., new laws) were not addressed in the initial contract's formulation.

3 Reasons Why the Harvard Concept May Jeopardize Your Negotiation Success
The following article will first briefly explain why the model of...

How Women Can Negotiate More Successfully
Every one of us engages in negotiations several times a day, across both personal and professional settings. Every negotiation starts with...

Trump Style Negotiation 2008: The Best Practices
Trump-Style-Negotiation 2008: The Best Practices > The US President Donald Trump is highly polarizing ...